Blockyard (~96.5MB) [W]
Blockyard allows players to build whatever contraption they desire using basic building blocks (see pic). The player lives in a surreal world with floating islands and even features a gremlin!
1. This game is a work-in-progress and certain features like the ability to save have not been implemented yet, but are probably on the way.
2. There is also an online version that can be played but required the unity web player.
3. There is no help file but players should find it easy to navigate the world.
Crayon Physics(~5MB)
Simple but short physics based game, where the goal of every level is to move the red ball/circle so that it touch the star(s). You can use your mouse to create blocks or sticks to get your circle to the star(s).
Note: This is a very short game, only 7 levels. Some people may confuse this game for Crayon Physics deluxe where you can create far more objects in the game.
The developer has created a new version with much more functionality as a commercial product called Crayon Physics Deluxe.
Dax Phyz(9.73MB)[W]
Another powerful 2.5D (?) Physics simulator. With Dax Phyz you can simulate soft body as well as rigid body dynamics. It has a host of features many of which are not available in other programs. Some of the main features include:
- Deformable and breakable objects (in soft body dynamics) with sound!
- Ability to edit the properties of objects/materials at the molecular level.
- Import bitmaps to use in simulations.
- Supports programming using Phyzlizp are variation of the Lisp programming language. (Separate download)
- Supports Metaballic effects, make materials looks more realistic, requires a good graphics card for the metaballic effect.
- Uses Stochastic algorithms which means that simulations will never yield exactly the same results. (Full Features List)
Note: The Dax Phyz user interface is not as refined (or as intuitive) as most other physics simulators and can take a while to get use to. Make sure to read the FAQ to help you to get to grips with the program.
Dax Phyz Wikipedia Page
Golems(~12MB) Open Source [WML]
Powerful 3D 'Universal Constructor' that allows users to create complex 3D contraptions. Create cars, robots almost anything your heart desires! (pic from site)
1.Make sure to read the manual.
2.Requires a graphics card that supports opengl (1.2 or above?)
3. Requires Java 5 or above.
Fun-Motion's thread for Golems (Note it's old, ie 2008)
Incredibots 2 Jaybit edition(~3MB)
Note you can play online or download the game if you wish. And newer versions may be out soon with more features.
Laputan Blueprints (~20MB)
Laputan Blueprints is the successor of the RigidChips (listed below on this page, but no longer being improved), and allows users to create almost any kind of 3D vehicle or contraption, although it is more focused on vehicle building. The vehicles can be used on water, land or in the air. Luptan Blueprints has many improvements over RigidChips and the key improvements include:
Built in editor, which includes the ability to change the type of materials being used (eg Wood, metal, plastic rubber etc..)
Models are now made up of blocks and/or cylinders of any size or shape (compared to fixed size and shape 'chips' of RigidChips)
Graphics of both the contraptions and the program have significantly increased.
1. Laputan Blueprints needs a more modern computer to run on that has support for OpenGL, For older systems RigidChips is recommended.
2. Laputan Blueprints and RigidChips are not compatible, ie contraptions made in one program cannot work on the other (except for Land).
3. Even with the built-in editor, Laputan Blueprints like its predecessor, is more complicated to use than other physics 'games' on this page. It requires time and patience to use this program, but the results are often worth it!
Non-official Laputan Blueprints Forum
Another impressive physics simulator. Its actually a 'hybrid' physics simulator that allows you to experiment with both chemicals (such as water and gas) as well as create various objects/contraptions such as adding rigid objects. It also allows you to import your own custom images as both backgrounds as well as objects to manipulate. You can also change the style in which the the simulations are displayed on the screen which is rather unique. It also has unique options to try and play around with.
Note. A special feature is the ability to create your own materials by mixing various substances together called Recipes.
You will need a relatively good graphics card to be able to add pictures to OE-CAKE as well as use the Blob or Blob and Texture styles. To add pictures to OE-CAKE drag and drop them into the scene. (picture formats include:.PNG .GIF .SVG or .TIFF with support for transparency for applicable image formats)
OE-CAKE Wikipedia Page
Scuzzstuff page for OE-CAKE (Contains some tutorials.)
OE-CAKE Recipes (To use the recipes press Esc on keyboard type the recipe then press Esc again)
If you have problems running OE-cake click here.
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